Infant therapy

Infant therapy

Physiotherapy for infants from the first days of life

• refluks
• tension disorders
• skull asymmetry
• colic, bellyache

Our youngest patients are often only a few days old. We do everything to ensure that the baby's therapy is as comfortable as possible for both the child and the mother. We try to ensure that the "new" mother receives answers to all questions related to the development and care of her child.

Infant rehabilitation is carried out by a therapist who not only has appropriate professional qualifications, but also quickly gains the children’s trust and sympathy. This, of course, favors high efficiency of rehabilitation. It is also important to properly prepare the infant for therapy – details here.

Infant physiotherapy – this is what we specialize in

asymetria czaszki

Skull asymmetry

Skull symmetry disorders are a very common problem in infants, not only those with a „difficult delivery”. The reason for the asymmetry may be difficulty in passing through the birth canal, but also the position in fetal life. The consequences of such disorders are often underestimated. Unfortunately, they may cause postural defects in the later developmental period or even cause malocclusion. The shape of the skull and its tension have a strong influence on the pelvis, especially the sacrum. It is the center of the human skeleton. When working with an infant, the therapist uses osteopathic techniques to normalize tensions in the skull and pelvis. Every newborn should have their head shape assessed. An asymmetric skull in an infant requires immediate therapeutic work.

asymetria czaszki

Tension disorders

The therapeutic effect is particularly important for children with muscle tension disorders. We work with both increased and decreased muscle tension. We work on normalizing tension, improving muscle control and a number of other neuromuscular disorders. The goal of neuromotor rehabilitation is to induce normal reflexes and movement patterns. The physiotherapist conducts rehabilitation in such a way as to optimize the child’s development conditions in the most dynamic period for him.

asymetria czaszki

Colic, Bellyache

Infant colic is most often manifested by paroxysmal, inconsolable crying. The causes may be related to the immaturity of the digestive system, the method of feeding, the type of food consumed by the mother, and the composition of the intestinal bacterial flora. However, they are often caused by tension disorders in the intestines, diaphragm or abdominal muscles. A thorough interview and assessment of tensions in the baby’s body allow you to choose the appropriate therapeutic approach.

asymetria czaszki


Reflux in infants causes not only the baby’s suffering, but also the parents’ feeling of helplessness. An experienced pediatric physiotherapist will check the cause of your child’s reflux and teach you the proper way to feed. We know from experience that sometimes a small change is enough to get rid of an annoying problem. Learn more about reflux/regurgitation here.

Child development assessment

If you have any concerns about your child’s development, please consult with our pediatric therapist. She has many years of experience in working with children, from infancy to preschool. Early diagnosis of disorders or dysfunctions means a much greater chance of achieving maximum effects of therapy.

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